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Instruction for authors

The same author may present a maximum of 3 proposals.
For proposals with multiple authors, at least one author must be registered for the Congress to present the paper/poster in presence.
The remaining authors are allowed to register for the virtual participation.

Paper presentation (oral communication)
Proposals that have been accepted for presentation will be distributed in groups of 4-5 presenters. Each presenter will have approximately 15 minutes for the presentation. Each session will also have 15 minutes for debate.
Rooms are equipped with a computer and multimedia projector. If additional equipment is needed, it must be previously requested to the Organizing Committee (subject to availability).
All presentations must be in English.

Poster presentation
Posters will be displayed during the conference in the halls. During the poster presentation, authors must accompany their poster for presentation and comments.
Accepted posters must be printed by the authors in size A1 (vertical) and delivered at the Conference on arrival (at the registration desk).
All posters must be in English.

Symposia must be organised by a group of 4-5 people, including one chairperson. Participants should belong at least to three different institutions