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The workshop builds on a basic understanding of emotional intelligence and explores concepts, application, and research in the health context.

Through exercises, discussion and shared experiential learning, the workshop builds a new lens to view emotional intelligence. Participants will have an opportunity to review individual, interpersonal, team and organizational activity levels to enhance understanding of emotional intelligence knowledge and skills.

Participants will be asked to discuss and share the implications of their own history with fellow participants.

 Overview of the session includes:

  • Brief overview of EI models  
  • EI tools of the trade
  • Recent EI and COVID pandemic research
  • Health application: leadership, medical and allied health education
  • Working with EI: clarity, dilemmas, and obstacles

Chris aims to take you on emotional intelligence journey into varying health contexts, avoiding some possible dark alleyways. Looking at the various levels of emotional intelligence, will extend your conceptual understanding and help you explore new avenues of professional interest, health application and personal growth. We will share new and past experiences, discuss future ventures, and realistically facilitate your understanding of your personal and professional work context.

The workshop promises to be involving, insightful and developmental.